#!/usr/bin/env node const commandLineUsage = require('command-line-usage'); const log4js = require('log4js'); const path = require('path'); const logger = log4js.getLogger(); logger.level = 'info'; const sections = [ { header: 'CQHTTP Twitter Bot', content: 'The QQ Bot that forwards twitters.' }, { header: 'Synopsis', content: [ '$ cqhttp-twitter-bot {underline config.json}', '$ cqhttp-twitter-bot {bold --help}' ] }, { header: 'Documentation', content: [ 'Project home: {underline https://github.com/rikakomoe/cqhttp-twitter-bot}', 'Example config: {underline https://qwqq.pw/b96yt}' ] } ]; const usage = commandLineUsage(sections); const args = process.argv.slice(2); if (args.length === 0 || args[0] === 'help' || args[0] === '-h' || args[0] === '--help') { console.log(usage); process.exit(0); } const configPath = args[0]; let config; try { config = require(path.resolve(configPath)); } catch (e) { console.log("Failed to parse config file: ", configPath); console.log(usage); process.exit(1); } console.log(config);