@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+import * as Twitter from 'twitter';
+import TwitterTypes from 'twitter-d';
+import { getLogger } from './loggers';
+import { BigNumOps } from './utils';
+interface IWorkerOption {
+ consumerKey: string;
+ consumerSecret: string;
+ accessTokenKey: string;
+ accessTokenSecret: string;
+export interface ITimelineQueryConfig {
+ username: string;
+ count?: number;
+ since?: string;
+ until?: string;
+ noreps?: boolean;
+ norts?: boolean;
+const TWITTER_EPOCH = 1288834974657;
+export const snowflake = (epoch: number) => Number.isNaN(epoch) ? undefined :
+ BigNumOps.lShift(String(epoch - 1 - TWITTER_EPOCH), 22);
+const logger = getLogger('twitter');
+export type FullUser = TwitterTypes.FullUser;
+export type Entities = TwitterTypes.Entities;
+export type ExtendedEntities = TwitterTypes.ExtendedEntities;
+export type MediaEntity = TwitterTypes.MediaEntity;
+interface ITweet extends TwitterTypes.Status {
+ user: FullUser;
+ retweeted_status?: Tweet;
+export type Tweet = ITweet;
+export type Tweets = ITweet[];
+export let queryByRegExp = (username: string, regexp: RegExp, cacheSeconds?: number, until?: string) =>
+ Promise.resolve<RegExpExecArray>(null);
+export default class {
+ private client: Twitter;
+ private lastQueries: {[key: string]: {match: RegExpExecArray, id: string}} = {};
+ constructor(opt: IWorkerOption) {
+ this.client = new Twitter({
+ consumer_key: opt.consumerKey,
+ consumer_secret: opt.consumerSecret,
+ access_token_key: opt.accessTokenKey,
+ access_token_secret: opt.accessTokenSecret,
+ });
+ queryByRegExp = (username, regexp, cacheSeconds?: number, until?: string) => {
+ logger.info(`searching timeline of @${username} for matches of ${regexp}...`);
+ const normalizedUsername = username.toLowerCase().replace(/^@/, '');
+ const queryKey = `${normalizedUsername}:${regexp.toString()}`;
+ const isOld = (then: string) => {
+ if (!then) return true;
+ return BigNumOps.compare(snowflake(Date.now() - cacheSeconds * 1000), then) >= 0;
+ };
+ if (queryKey in this.lastQueries && !isOld(this.lastQueries[queryKey].id)) {
+ const {match, id} = this.lastQueries[queryKey];
+ logger.info(`found match ${JSON.stringify(match)} from cached tweet of id ${id}`);
+ return Promise.resolve(match);
+ }
+ return this.queryTimeline({username, norts: true, until})
+ .then(tweets => {
+ const found = tweets.find(tweet => regexp.test(tweet.full_text));
+ if (found) {
+ const match = regexp.exec(found.full_text);
+ this.lastQueries[queryKey] = {match, id: found.id_str};
+ logger.info(`found match ${JSON.stringify(match)} in tweet of id ${found.id_str} from timeline`);
+ return match;
+ }
+ const last = tweets.slice(-1)[0].id_str;
+ if (isOld(last)) return null;
+ queryByRegExp(username, regexp, cacheSeconds, last);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ public queryUser = (username: string) => this.client.get('users/show', {screen_name: username})
+ .then((user: FullUser) => user.screen_name);
+ public queryTimelineReverse = (conf: ITimelineQueryConfig) => {
+ if (!conf.since) return this.queryTimeline(conf);
+ const count = conf.count;
+ const maxID = conf.until;
+ conf.count = undefined;
+ const until = () => BigNumOps.min(maxID, BigNumOps.plus(conf.since, String(7 * 24 * 3600 * 1000 * 2 ** 22)));
+ conf.until = until();
+ const promise = (tweets: ITweet[]): Promise<ITweet[]> =>this.queryTimeline(conf).then(newTweets => {
+ tweets = newTweets.concat(tweets);
+ conf.since = conf.until;
+ conf.until = until();
+ if (
+ tweets.length >= count ||
+ BigNumOps.compare(conf.since, conf.until) >= 0
+ ) {
+ return tweets.slice(-count);
+ }
+ return promise(tweets);
+ });
+ return promise([]);
+ };
+ public queryTimeline = (
+ { username, count, since, until, noreps, norts }: ITimelineQueryConfig
+ ) => {
+ username = username.replace(/^@?(.*)$/, '@$1');
+ logger.info(`querying timeline of ${username} with config: ${
+ JSON.stringify({
+ ...(count && {count}),
+ ...(since && {since}),
+ ...(until && {until}),
+ ...(noreps && {noreps}),
+ ...(norts && {norts}),
+ })}`);
+ const fetchTimeline = (
+ config = {
+ screen_name: username.slice(1),
+ trim_user: true,
+ exclude_replies: noreps ?? true,
+ include_rts: !(norts ?? false),
+ since_id: since,
+ max_id: until,
+ tweet_mode: 'extended',
+ },
+ tweets: ITweet[] = []
+ ): Promise<ITweet[]> => this.client.get('statuses/user_timeline', config)
+ .then((newTweets: ITweet[]) => {
+ if (newTweets.length) {
+ logger.debug(`fetched tweets: ${JSON.stringify(newTweets)}`);
+ config.max_id = BigNumOps.plus('-1', newTweets[newTweets.length - 1].id_str);
+ logger.info(`timeline query of ${username} yielded ${
+ newTweets.length
+ } new tweets, next query will start at offset ${config.max_id}`);
+ tweets.push(...newTweets);
+ }
+ if (!newTweets.length || count === undefined || tweets.length >= count) {
+ logger.info(`timeline query of ${username} finished successfully, ${
+ tweets.length
+ } tweets have been fetched`);
+ return tweets.slice(0, count);
+ }
+ return fetchTimeline(config, tweets);
+ });
+ return fetchTimeline();
+ };