@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
-const CQWebsocket = require("cq-websocket");
-const log4js = require("log4js");
-const helper_1 = require("./helper");
-const logger = log4js.getLogger('cq-websocket');
-logger.level = 'info';
-class default_1 {
- constructor(opt) {
- this.retryInterval = 1000;
- this.initWebsocket = () => {
- this.bot = new CQWebsocket({
- access_token: this.botInfo.access_token,
- enableAPI: true,
- enableEvent: true,
- host: this.botInfo.host,
- port: this.botInfo.port,
- });
- this.bot.on('socket.connect', () => {
- logger.info('websocket connected');
- this.retryInterval = 1000;
- });
- this.bot.on('socket.close', () => {
- logger.error('websocket closed');
- this.reconnect();
- });
- this.bot.on('socket.error', () => {
- logger.error('websocket connect error');
- this.reconnect();
- });
- this.bot.on('message', (e, context) => {
- e.cancel();
- const chat = {
- chatType: context.message_type,
- chatID: 0,
- };
- switch (context.message_type) {
- case "private" /* Private */:
- chat.chatID = context.user_id;
- break;
- case "group" /* Group */:
- chat.chatID = context.group_id;
- break;
- case "discuss" /* Discuss */:
- chat.chatID = context.discuss_id;
- }
- const cmdObj = helper_1.default(context.raw_message);
- switch (cmdObj.cmd) {
- case 'twitter_sub':
- case 'twitter_subscribe':
- return this.botInfo.sub(chat, cmdObj.args);
- case 'twitter_unsub':
- case 'twitter_unsubscribe':
- return this.botInfo.unsub(chat, cmdObj.args);
- case 'ping':
- case 'twitter':
- return this.botInfo.list(chat, cmdObj.args);
- case 'help':
- return `推特搬运机器人:
-/twitter - 查询当前聊天中的订阅
-/twitter_subscribe [链接] - 订阅 Twitter 搬运
-/twitter_unsubscribe [链接] - 退订 Twitter 搬运`;
- }
- });
- };
- this.connect = () => {
- this.initWebsocket();
- logger.warn('connecting to websocket...');
- this.bot.connect();
- };
- this.reconnect = () => {
- this.retryInterval *= 2;
- if (this.retryInterval > 300000)
- this.retryInterval = 300000;
- logger.info(`retrying in ${this.retryInterval / 1000}s...`);
- setTimeout(() => {
- logger.warn('reconnecting to websocket...');
- this.connect();
- }, this.retryInterval);
- };
- logger.info(`init cqwebsocket for ${opt.host}:${opt.port}, with access_token ${opt.access_token}`);
- this.botInfo = opt;
- }
-exports.default = default_1;