@@ -20,7 +20,61 @@ interface IWorkerOption {
mode: number;
+export class ScreenNameNormalizer {
+ // tslint:disable-next-line: variable-name
+ public static _queryUser: (username: string) => Promise<string>;
+ public static normalize = (username: string) => username.toLowerCase().replace(/^@/, '');
+ public static async normalizeLive(username: string) {
+ if (this._queryUser) {
+ return await this._queryUser(username)
+ .catch((err: {code: number, message: string}[]) => {
+ if (err[0].code !== 50) {
+ logger.warn(`error looking up user: ${err[0].message}`);
+ return username;
+ }
+ return null;
+ });
+ }
+ return this.normalize(username);
+ }
+export let sendTweet = (id: string, receiver: IChat): void => {
+ throw Error();
const logger = getLogger('twitter');
+const maxTrials = 3;
+const uploadTimeout = 10000;
+const retryInterval = 1500;
+const ordinal = (n: number) => {
+ switch ((~~(n / 10) % 10 === 1) ? 0 : n % 10) {
+ case 1:
+ return `${n}st`;
+ case 2:
+ return `${n}nd`;
+ case 3:
+ return `${n}rd`;
+ default:
+ return `${n}th`;
+ }
+const retryOnError = <T, U>(
+ doWork: () => Promise<T>,
+ onRetry: (error, count: number, terminate: (defaultValue: U) => void) => void
+) => new Promise<T | U>(resolve => {
+ const retry = (reason, count: number) => {
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ let terminate = false;
+ onRetry(reason, count, defaultValue => { terminate = true; resolve(defaultValue); });
+ if (!terminate) doWork().then(resolve).catch(error => retry(error, count + 1));
+ }, retryInterval);
+ };
+ doWork().then(resolve).catch(error => retry(error, 1));
export type FullUser = TwitterTypes.FullUser;
export type Entities = TwitterTypes.Entities;
@@ -63,6 +117,17 @@ export default class {
this.bot = opt.bot;
this.webshotDelay = opt.webshotDelay;
this.mode = opt.mode;
+ ScreenNameNormalizer._queryUser = this.queryUser;
+ sendTweet = (id, receiver) => {
+ this.getTweet(id, this.sendTweets(`tweet ${id}`, receiver))
+ .catch((err: {code: number, message: string}[]) => {
+ if (err[0].code !== 144) {
+ logger.warn(`error retrieving tweet: ${err[0].message}`);
+ this.bot.sendTo(receiver, `获取推文时出现错误:${err[0].message}`);
+ }
+ this.bot.sendTo(receiver, '找不到请求的推文,它可能已被删除。');
+ });
+ };
public launch = () => {
@@ -72,6 +137,62 @@ export default class {
+ public queryUser = (username: string) =>
+ this.client.get('users/show', {screen_name: username})
+ .then((user: FullUser) => user.screen_name)
+ private workOnTweets = (
+ tweets: Tweets,
+ sendTweets: (msg: MessageChain, text: string, author: string) => void
+ ) => {
+ const uploader = (
+ message: ReturnType<typeof Message.Image>,
+ lastResort: (...args) => ReturnType<typeof Message.Plain>
+ ) => {
+ let timeout = uploadTimeout;
+ return retryOnError(() =>
+ this.bot.uploadPic(message, timeout).then(() => message),
+ (_, count, terminate: (defaultValue: ReturnType<typeof Message.Plain>) => void) => {
+ if (count <= maxTrials) {
+ timeout *= (count + 2) / (count + 1);
+ logger.warn(`retry uploading for the ${ordinal(count)} time...`);
+ } else {
+ logger.warn(`${count - 1} consecutive failures while uploading, trying plain text instead...`);
+ terminate(lastResort());
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ return this.webshot(tweets, uploader, sendTweets, this.webshotDelay);
+ }
+ public getTweet = (id: string, sender: (msg: MessageChain, text: string, author: string) => void) => {
+ const endpoint = 'statuses/show';
+ const config = {
+ id,
+ tweet_mode: 'extended',
+ };
+ return this.client.get(endpoint, config)
+ .then((tweet: Tweet) => this.workOnTweets([tweet], sender));
+ }
+ private sendTweets = (source?: string, ...to: IChat[]) =>
+ (msg: MessageChain, text: string, author: string) => {
+ to.forEach(subscriber => {
+ logger.info(`pushing data${source ? ` of ${source}` : ''} to ${JSON.stringify(subscriber)}`);
+ retryOnError(
+ () => this.bot.sendTo(subscriber, msg),
+ (_, count, terminate: (doNothing: Promise<void>) => void) => {
+ if (count <= maxTrials) {
+ logger.warn(`retry sending to ${subscriber.chatID} for the ${ordinal(count)} time...`);
+ } else {
+ logger.warn(`${count - 1} consecutive failures while sending` +
+ 'message chain, trying plain text instead...');
+ terminate(this.bot.sendTo(subscriber, author + text));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
public work = () => {
const lock = this.lock;
if (this.workInterval < 1) this.workInterval = 1;
@@ -101,11 +222,18 @@ export default class {
let config: any;
let endpoint: string;
if (match) {
- config = {
- owner_screen_name: match[1],
- slug: match[2],
- tweet_mode: 'extended',
- };
+ if (match[1] === 'i') {
+ config = {
+ list_id: match[2],
+ tweet_mode: 'extended',
+ };
+ } else {
+ config = {
+ owner_screen_name: match[1],
+ slug: match[2],
+ tweet_mode: 'extended',
+ };
+ }
endpoint = 'lists/statuses';
} else {
match = currentFeed.match(/https:\/\/twitter.com\/([^\/]+)/);
@@ -152,71 +280,7 @@ export default class {
if (currentThread.offset === '-1') { updateOffset(); return; }
if (currentThread.offset === '0') tweets.splice(1);
- const maxCount = 3;
- const uploadTimeout = 10000;
- const retryInterval = 1500;
- const ordinal = (n: number) => {
- switch ((~~(n / 10) % 10 === 1) ? 0 : n % 10) {
- case 1:
- return `${n}st`;
- case 2:
- return `${n}nd`;
- case 3:
- return `${n}rd`;
- default:
- return `${n}th`;
- }
- };
- const retryOnError = <T, U>(
- doWork: () => Promise<T>,
- onRetry: (error, count: number, terminate: (defaultValue: U) => void) => void
- ) => new Promise<T | U>(resolve => {
- const retry = (reason, count: number) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- let terminate = false;
- onRetry(reason, count, defaultValue => { terminate = true; resolve(defaultValue); });
- if (!terminate) doWork().then(resolve).catch(error => retry(error, count + 1));
- }, retryInterval);
- };
- doWork().then(resolve).catch(error => retry(error, 1));
- });
- const uploader = (
- message: ReturnType<typeof Message.Image>,
- lastResort: (...args) => ReturnType<typeof Message.Plain>
- ) => {
- let timeout = uploadTimeout;
- return retryOnError(() =>
- this.bot.uploadPic(message, timeout).then(() => message),
- (_, count, terminate: (defaultValue: ReturnType<typeof Message.Plain>) => void) => {
- if (count <= maxCount) {
- timeout *= (count + 2) / (count + 1);
- logger.warn(`retry uploading for the ${ordinal(count)} time...`);
- } else {
- logger.warn(`${count - 1} consecutive failures while uploading, trying plain text instead...`);
- terminate(lastResort());
- }
- });
- };
- const sendTweets = (msg: MessageChain, text: string, author: string) => {
- currentThread.subscribers.forEach(subscriber => {
- logger.info(`pushing data of thread ${currentFeed} to ${JSON.stringify(subscriber)}`);
- retryOnError(
- () => this.bot.sendTo(subscriber, msg),
- (_, count, terminate: (doNothing: Promise<void>) => void) => {
- if (count <= maxCount) {
- logger.warn(`retry sending to ${subscriber.chatID} for the ${ordinal(count)} time...`);
- } else {
- logger.warn(`${count - 1} consecutive failures while sending` +
- 'message chain, trying plain text instead...');
- terminate(this.bot.sendTo(subscriber, author + text));
- }
- });
- });
- };
- return this.webshot(tweets, uploader, sendTweets, this.webshotDelay)
+ return this.workOnTweets(tweets, this.sendTweets(`thread ${currentFeed}`, ...currentThread.subscribers))
.then(() => {