@@ -69,41 +69,54 @@ export default class {
const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
let match = lock.feed[lock.workon].match(/https:\/\/twitter.com\/([^\/]+)\/lists\/([^\/]+)/);
+ let config: any;
+ let endpoint: string;
if (match) {
- const config: any = {
+ config = {
owner_screen_name: match[1],
slug: match[2],
- const offset = lock.threads[lock.feed[lock.workon]].offset;
- if (offset > 0) config.since_id = offset;
- this.client.get('lists/statuses', config, (error, tweets, response) => {
- if (error) {
- logger.error(`error on fetching tweets for ${lock.feed[lock.workon]}: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
- }
- resolve(tweets);
- });
+ endpoint = 'lists/statuses';
} else {
match = lock.feed[lock.workon].match(/https:\/\/twitter.com\/([^\/]+)/);
if (match) {
- const config: any = {
+ config = {
screen_name: match[1],
exclude_replies: false,
- const offset = lock.threads[lock.feed[lock.workon]].offset;
- if (offset > 0) config.since_id = offset;
- this.client.get('statuses/user_timeline', config, (error, tweets, response) => {
- if (error) {
- logger.error(`error on fetching tweets for ${lock.feed[lock.workon]}: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
- }
- resolve(tweets);
- });
+ endpoint = 'statuses/user_timeline';
+ if (endpoint) {
+ const offset = lock.threads[lock.feed[lock.workon]].offset;
+ if (offset > 0) config.since_id = offset;
+ this.client.get(endpoint, config, (error, tweets, response) => {
+ if (error) {
+ if (error instanceof Array && error.length > 0 && error[0].code === 34) {
+ logger.warn(`error on fetching tweets for ${lock.feed[lock.workon]}: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
+ lock.threads[lock.feed[lock.workon]].subscribers.forEach(subscriber => {
+ logger.info(`sending notfound message of ${lock.feed[lock.workon]} to ${JSON.stringify(subscriber)}`);
+ this.bot.bot('send_msg', {
+ message_type: subscriber.chatType,
+ user_id: subscriber.chatID,
+ group_id: subscriber.chatID,
+ discuss_id: subscriber.chatID,
+ message: `链接 ${lock.feed[lock.workon]} 指向的用户或列表不存在,请退订。`,
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ logger.error(`unhandled error on fetching tweets for ${lock.feed[lock.workon]}: ${JSON.stringify(error)}`);
+ }
+ resolve();
+ } else resolve(tweets);
+ });
+ }
promise.then((tweets: any) => {
logger.debug(`api returned ${JSON.stringify(tweets)} for feed ${lock.feed[lock.workon]}`);
- if (tweets && tweets.length === 0) {
+ if (!tweets || tweets.length === 0) {
lock.threads[lock.feed[lock.workon]].updatedAt = new Date().toString();