@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const snowflake = (epoch) => Number.isNaN(epoch) ? undefined :
utils_1.BigNumOps.lShift(String(epoch - 1 - TWITTER_EPOCH), 22);
exports.snowflake = snowflake;
const logger = loggers_1.getLogger('twitter');
-let queryByRegExp = (username, regexp, cacheSeconds, until) => Promise.resolve(null);
+let queryByRegExp = (username, regexp, queryThreshold, until) => Promise.resolve(null);
exports.queryByRegExp = queryByRegExp;
class default_1 {
constructor(opt) {
@@ -69,14 +69,14 @@ class default_1 {
access_token_key: opt.accessTokenKey,
access_token_secret: opt.accessTokenSecret,
- exports.queryByRegExp = (username, regexp, cacheSeconds, until) => {
+ exports.queryByRegExp = (username, regexp, queryThreshold, until) => {
logger.info(`searching timeline of @${username} for matches of ${regexp}...`);
const normalizedUsername = username.toLowerCase().replace(/^@/, '');
const queryKey = `${normalizedUsername}:${regexp.toString()}`;
- const isOld = (then) => {
+ const isOld = (then, threshold = 360) => {
if (!then)
return true;
- return utils_1.BigNumOps.compare(exports.snowflake(Date.now() - cacheSeconds * 1000), then) >= 0;
+ return utils_1.BigNumOps.compare(exports.snowflake(Date.now() - threshold * 1000), then) >= 0;
if (queryKey in this.lastQueries && !isOld(this.lastQueries[queryKey].id)) {
const { match, id } = this.lastQueries[queryKey];
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ class default_1 {
return match;
const last = tweets.slice(-1)[0].id_str;
- if (isOld(last))
+ if (isOld(last, queryThreshold))
return null;
- exports.queryByRegExp(username, regexp, cacheSeconds, last);
+ return exports.queryByRegExp(username, regexp, queryThreshold, last);